Titanic: What if she sank today? – Webinar

On 15 April Navigate Response, IMRF, MarineTraffic, IUMI and UK P&I Club joined together to discuss what would be different (and what might be the same) if the Titanic sank today.

The Coronavirus, the Butterfly and the Pilot

Every crisis has an end. The current coronavirus pandemic will have its own. It’ll be the fourth Phase with a return to normalcy for just about everything except the economy.

“Events dear boy, events” …cancelled

We live in a culture of accelerated globalisation, but how that changes course towards isolated dystopia – and one story’s saturation of news coverage – is yet to be written.

I am not going to try.

Think of it as a media workout

It’s late and your standing that red-eye watch. There’s a moderate breeze, with a sea state 4. Visibility is 1.5 nautical miles and a full moon lights the wisp of white horses. How could there possibly be an incident?